Opelika Drive Thru Trick or Treat


Opelika Main Street and the merchants of Historic Downtown Opelika welcome all to join their socially distant trick or treat celebration this Thursday, October 29 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.! Families can drive through a portion

2020 Auburn Drive Thru Trick or Treat


Auburn Parks and Recreation is hosting a safe alternative to trick or treating with their Drive Thru Trick or Treat Friday, October 30 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Auburn Parks and Recreation Complex! All

SportsCall POTW (October 26): Nick Andersen

This week’s SportsCall Player of the Week is Wake Forest safety Nick Andersen! The true freshman walk-on got the start against a ranked Virginia Tech team on Saturday and had 11 tackles to go along with 3