Movie Monday (June 13): Titanic


Each week, I will look at a movie that is currently in theaters or available to stream and give some reasons why people should watch it. This isn’t necessarily a film critique, rather, an overview of what I think is enjoyable about the film, and why it’s worth seeing. This week, we’ll be looking at the 1997 classic, Titanic.

There won’t be many earth shattering takes in the coming thoughts on Titanic. Most viewed it as a great movie and many people I know watch it every time it comes on TV. So, let’s review why it did so well in the eyes of many. First, it has something for a lot of different people. This shouldn’t come as a surprise with the over 3 hour runtime, but the movie has doses of several different elements that can grab the interest of the viewer. There’s the obvious romance between Jack and Rose, the action/peril that the sinking ship provides, the growing disdain for Jack from Cal and Rose’s mom, and of course the heartbreak of indeed, having to let go. Not to mention, a young Leonardo DiCaprio that was very compelling to watch and a group of characters that were all made to feel important and fit naturally. The truth about this movie is that yes, the movie title is for the name of the sinking ship, but it’s also a self-fulfilling prophecy: this movie is titanic. From the grand portrayal of the ship itself, to the run time, to the amount of characters you meet, to the prolonged peril that was in itself long enough to be an entire movie, this movie is huge. And it comes as no surprise given the director is James Cameron. With romance and heartache as if it was Romeo and Juliet, and a perfected example of a ship in peril that surpasses The Poseidon Adventure, Titanic transcended the space which it was supposed to occupy. Now that we’re 25 years past its’ maiden voyage, it’s clear, audiences will never let go.

Titanic is currently available to stream on Netflix.

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