Movie Monday (June 27): Jurassic World: Dominion


Each week, I will look at a movie that is currently in theaters or available to stream and give some reasons why people should watch it. This isn’t necessarily a film critique, rather, an overview of what I think is enjoyable about the film, and why it’s worth seeing. This week we’ll look at culmination of the Jurassic franchise, Jurassic World: Dominion.

The end to the Jurassic World trilogy and end (for a little while) to the Jurassic franchise is brought to us through Jurassic World: Dominion. Director Colin Trevorrow, who directed the previous two Jurassic World’s was very confident in the story he would bring to this final film. While the story was ok, it wasn’t special, which is fine, because that really isn’t what this franchise was ever about. The action involving dinosaurs is solid, although one could say a more direct interaction with the T-Rex would’ve been nice, all the characters had conflicts with at least one of the various predators found in the area. There are few odes to the original, which is always a must, including what is by far the best kill in the movie (no spoilers.) Something important to get right here was the usage of Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) and Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum.) In my opinion, we needed to seem them a lot and we needed them to contribute meaningfully to the goal of the plot and I give the movie two thumbs up in those departments. Almost every Goldblum comment deserves at least a chuckle and the Neill/Dern dynamic finally met their characters’ elephant in the room head on. As a longtime fan of the franchise, I was satisfied with this conclusion. Nothing shocking was done, the story wasn’t crazy, and no Jurassic rules were broken. It was safe, but 6 movies in you must either reinvent the wheel or dive into nostalgia and I was perfectly fine with the ladder. If you’re looking for more groundbreaking material as the original is known for you won’t find it, but if you want a movie that provides solid action with the dinosaurs and characters you’ve grown to love, I don’t know how you won’t be pleased. Ultimately, even after 6 movies, Jurassic found a way.

Jurassic World: Dominion is now playing in theaters everywhere.

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