Movie Mondays (Halloween Kills)


By: Ryan Lavoie

Each week, I will look at a movie that is currently in theaters or available to stream and give some reasons why people should watch it. This isn’t necessarily a film critique, rather, an overview of what I think is enjoyable about the film, and why it’s worth seeing. This week we’ll be looking at Halloween Kills, the latest movie in the Halloween franchise. 

Halloween Kills is the sequel to the 2018 Halloween, which is the direct sequel to the original, 1978 Halloween. This timeline is proving to be a far more enjoyable experience than the sequels and rabbit holes the movies of the 1980’s and 90’s went. Without giving away too many spoilers this entry into the franchise does give you some reasons to be nostalgic… in a sense, that nostalgia is a focus of the film. I will avoid going into deep plot thoughts and allow the viewers to be free from other points of view prior to watching. I do think this movie will please most who enjoyed the 2018 film. This film continues to be gruesome, Michael continues to wreak havoc, and it still feels like a Halloween movie. If nothing else, I think this film, while on its own might not be a classic, does a wonderful job setting up the final movie in the trilogy, due to come out next year. It’s not preferable to make an entire movie just to set up another movie, but there’s still plenty of Michael Myers to make it worth it.


Halloween Kills made 50 million in its opening weekend at the box office, and continues to slash its way through theaters near you.

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